5 Tips for Handling Winter in Power Wheelchair (2024)

When the winter weather sets in, it can be quite dangerous to navigate around, especially for wheelchair users. It can feel like warfare with the snowy and icy footpaths challenging for anyone using a wheelchair. That is why it is crucial to be prepared for winter because the harsh effects of winter can render a once clear pathway a no-go zone.

Having a power wheelchair for outdoor is one of the ways of ensuring that you never have a hard time navigating through. You are in a better position of going through winter with the right mobility equipment. Wheelchair users should be more vigilant during winter by preparing in advance so as not to face challenges.

5 Tips for Handling Winter in Power Wheelchair

During winter, wheelchair users can be faced with a lot of mobility challenges. This is even profound if the necessary actions are not taken in advance. Handling winter in a power wheelchair for outdoor can only be achieved if potential dangers are taken care of early enough. Below are some tips to prepare for winter in a power wheelchair.

1. Tires/wheels

The power wheelchair you have needs to be equipped with wheels that can navigate any terrain. During winter, it can be impossible to find a clear path because of snow. That is why the tires of the wheelchair have to be stable enough to withstand bumpy surfaces and uneven terrains. Go for the right wheels that enhance tire traction, which are also shock absorbent.

They will ensure a gentle ride, no matter how snowy the path is. Excellent power drive wheels of a wheelchair will take you anywhere you wish to go without any challenges. It is, therefore, imperative to check on the wheels of a power wheelchair, for they will determine how you go through winter.

If the wheels are worn out, have them replaced early in advance. Please get a new pair of wheels with an enhanced grip, for they are excellent in winter situations. The right wheels will enable you to glide through snow hence increasing mobility.

2. Battery

A power wheelchair’s main component is the battery. This is because it is the primary source of power that drives a powered wheelchair. Your battery must remain in good condition so that it keeps the wheelchair running well.

If you happen to have a battery that requires maintenance, you will have to keep up with that. If you don’t maintain the battery as you should, then it will not perform as expected. Before going out during winter, ensure you check on the battery charge levels.

Keeping an extra battery is also highly recommended in case an emergency arises. You should also check how the battery you have will react to some conditions like winter. Some batteries are affected by extreme temperatures; hence it is essential to check on that. Ensure that the battery is charged when not in use. Avoid overcharging it because it may lead to a short lifespan.

3. Buddy system

Going out during winter in a power wheelchair on your own is not safe. That is why you are required to adopt a buddy system where you tag someone along with you. You might end up bumping into deep snow that you can’t get yourself out of. That is why tagging a friend comes in handy, for this will ensure that your safety is taken care of. Having someone to help you out when you get stuck is a good idea than suffering out there on your own. If you feel that tagging someone is not your perfect idea, let someone know you are out there in case things get ugly.

4. Winter wheeling technique

When winter is approaching, and you are a wheelchair user, you have to up your wheeling techniques. Moving around during winter is not the same as when the paths are all clear. Hence, how you wheel on an average day is not the same way you will do it during winter.

However, if the power wheelchair you are using has a winter orientated assistive tech, you don’t have to worry. If that is not the case, you have to fine-tune your wheeling technique to enable you to have better mobility.

Learn how to go backwards if you feel like you will get stuck. Avoid the chances of being bogged down in the snow at all costs. So, even before winter approaches, why not perfect your winter wheeling technique so that you don’t have a hard time when winter sets in.

5. Right apparel

During winter and in a wheelchair, you must get into heavy warm, breathable clothes. That way, warm air will be trapped so that you won’t get cold when you are using a wheelchair.

It would help if you were warm when you are in a wheelchair during winter so that you have the energy to navigate. Your whole body should be covered from head to toe with warm clothes.

Never allow any bare part of your body to come into contact with the metal of a wheelchair. You will experience a considerable heat loss, which can be quite frustrating. To add to that, ensure you put on high visibility clothes so that everyone can notice you.

If a driver passing by is not aware of your presence, they might end up knocking you down. That is why you need to ensure that your safety takes precedence.

6. Eat and Drink Right

The type of food and drinks that you choose during winter is quite critical. You should make a point of eating healthy foods and ensuring that you are hydrated at all times. While you may not be aware, drinking cold drinks is essential for hydration.

Due to the low temperatures, there is a temptation to drink hot drinks to keep warm. However, this does not affect the internal body temperature. Studies have shown that by drinking warm beverages, the wrong messages could be sent to the brain.

The brain assumes that your body is warm and therefore cooling systems are triggered like sweating.

There are certain foods that can be useful for you during the winter, as they will keep the body warm. You should consider the herb ginger as this is essential in stimulating the blood circulation in the body.

Hot peppers are ideal foods and other foods like brown rice, which are known as complex carbohydrates. Foods that are hard to digest will last longer in your body and thereby end up keeping the body warmer. The type of diet you choose during the cold seasons is imperative and will help you handle the wheelchair.

Final thoughts

Winter can be quite frustrating, especially for wheelchair users due to challenges in navigation. With temperatures falling every waking day, it is vital to be prepared. Having a power wheelchair outdoor can ensure that you don’t have a hard time navigating through snowy and icy paths. Winter conditions can affect wheelchair users to a large extent.

That is why understanding how to handle winter in a power wheelchair is important. This will ensure that you don’t get stuck out there. The critical thing to note is to remain in control and to stay safe no matter how wintery it gets.

>>> BEFORE YOU GO! Check out our article about the best electric scooter accessories here <<<

5 Tips for Handling Winter in Power Wheelchair (2024)


5 Tips for Handling Winter in Power Wheelchair? ›

Try using pipe insulation on a manual wheelchair's metal push-rims to help keep your hands warm. If your powered wheelchair doesn't have a waterproof controller or joystick, try placing a plastic bag over it to protect your wheelchair's controls from melting snow.

How to use a wheelchair in winter? ›

Try using pipe insulation on a manual wheelchair's metal push-rims to help keep your hands warm. If your powered wheelchair doesn't have a waterproof controller or joystick, try placing a plastic bag over it to protect your wheelchair's controls from melting snow.

Can you use an electric wheelchair in cold weather? ›

Keep it charged: Power wheelchair users need to be mindful that batteries won't hold a charge as well in colder weather. You also might go through your battery quicker when you're having to get over snow and ice, because your wheels work harder if they don't have enough traction.

How to keep warm in a wheelchair? ›

Dress in layers to regulate body temperature, and don't forget a good pair of gloves to protect your hands from the cold. A cosy blanket or lap robe can provide extra warmth.

What not to do with electric wheelchair? ›

Avoid steep, soft or uneven surfaces as these will make it harder to push or could cause the electric wheelchair to tip over. Always let the person in the electric wheelchair know what you are going to do e.g. turning quickly.

Why do people in wheelchairs need blankets? ›

Blankets can keep you warm and comfortable. They help to maintain circulation and help to keep those aches and pains caused by cold at bay.

Can a wheelchair move on snow? ›

Just as cars need a change of tires to navigate snowy, icy roads, your wheelchair will also have to be equipped with special winter tires. Install soft rubber tires with a spiky, knobby surface, in a wider width if possible, to give yourself better traction in slippery conditions.

What is the difference between an electric wheelchair and a power chair? ›

Electric wheelchairs are sometimes smaller and lighter than power chairs but lack the durability of power chairs which can be driven outside, across lawns, dirt, sidewalks, and more. Finally, power chairs generally have more features and options than electric wheelchairs.

What is the disadvantage of power wheelchair? ›

Electric wheelchairs offer enhanced mobility, ease of use, and comfort, but they come with a higher cost and limited battery life.

Can you go out in the rain in an electric wheelchair? ›

If it is raining outside whilst using your wheelchair you must cover up the joystick (we provide a clear bubble wrap joystick protector with your wheelchair.) This works perfectly for covering the joystick when it's raining, to stop water damage. Another thing to bear in mind is your speed.

How to keep paralyzed legs warm? ›

Leg warmers

After all, your legs are not moving around too much, and even with a thick pair of corduroys or denim pants, they can lose a lot of heat without another layer of insulating fabric. That's where leg warmers are really handy (see Figure 1).

What not to do to someone in a wheelchair? ›

Here are a few tips for navigating the etiquette of interacting with a person who uses a wheelchair.
  1. Make Eye Contact. ...
  2. Never Assume. ...
  3. Speak Normally. ...
  4. No Comments Please. ...
  5. Respect Personal Space. ...
  6. Don't Use Accessible Parking Spots or Restroom Stalls. ...
  7. Sit Down for Long Conversations. ...
  8. Allow a Wheelchair User to Help.

How can I get warmer while sitting? ›

If sitting, a blanket or duvet over the legs and waist can help. Add a hot water bottle underneath, or use a wearable electric blanket if you want. Remember, heating the human not the house is much cheaper.

What is the lifespan of an electric wheelchair? ›

The lifespan of Power Wheelchair

Typically the lifespan of a wheelchair ranges from 3 to 10 years. A top-quality wheelchair with premium material in its frame and other parts can last for almost 10 years. However, low-quality chair with poor frame material can lose their life anywhere between 3 to 7 years.

Can bed bugs get in electric wheelchair? ›

Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers on the patient's clothing, wheel chairs and personal belongings. Therefore careful management and con- tainment of each patient's personal items goes a long way toward preventing an infestation from developing.

How often will Medicare pay for an electric wheelchair? ›

Medicare only covers one wheelchair or scooter at a time. Medicare only covers a wheelchair or scooter replacement once every five years except in limited circ*mstances. Medicare covers wheelchair and scooter repairs.

Can you sit in a wheelchair all day? ›

Is it good to sit in a wheelchair all day? No. Wheelchair users are only allowed a maximum of 4 hours daily because sitting beyond these recommended hours can lead to health complications.

How do you stay active in a wheelchair? ›

Try some of these exercises:
  1. Arm Cycling: Bicycle with your arms instead of your legs.
  2. Chair Aerobics: Move and stretch your body to music.
  3. Rowing: Pretend to row a boat – in your chair or on a special piece of equipment.
  4. Water Exercise: Enroll in a class for swimming or exercise.

How do you stay dry in a wheelchair? ›

Ponchos. There is an abundance of wheelchair ponchos to choose from. They are made from a variety of materials, with some covering just the body and others both body and chair. If you need warmth, there are fleece-lined ponchos such as the Wheely Cape.

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