Fallout 76 Fox Locations (2024)

Are you an avid survivor in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 76, on the quest for elusive wildlife such as foxes? These cunning creatures are sought after by many players for various purposes, from completing challenges to obtaining valuable resources. However, locating these foxes in the vast and varied landscape of Appalachia can be a challenging yet thrilling endeavor. Join us as we delve into the world of Fallout 76 and uncover the secrets behind finding fox locations.

Understanding the World of Fallout 76

In Fallout 76, the landscape is vast and diverse, encompassing various terrains and environments. Among the wildlife, foxes stand out as both elusive and resourceful creatures. Their appearances are sporadic, making them a challenging find for survivors exploring the Appalachian wasteland.

Characteristics of Foxes in Fallout 76

These foxes are small to medium-sized mammals, known for their reddish-brown fur and distinctive bushy tails. Their agility and quick movements make them challenging to spot and track down in the wild. These creatures tend to roam in specific regions, adapting to their surroundings to survive the harsh conditions of the post-nuclear world.

Hunting Grounds: Where to Find Foxes

Forested Areas

Foxes are commonly spotted in forested regions throughout Appalachia. Areas such as the Forest and the Savage Divide are known to harbor these elusive creatures. Keep an eye out for their distinctive silhouettes darting between trees and bushes.

Rural Locations

Exploring rural areas and farmlands can also increase your chances of encountering foxes. Locations like Becker Farm or Silva Homestead might yield sightings of these creatures scavenging for food amidst the abandoned structures.

Tips for Finding Foxes

Patience and Observation

Foxes are skittish creatures, so adopting a patient approach while exploring is key. Take the time to observe your surroundings carefully. Their movement patterns often include quick dashes followed by pauses, allowing for brief glimpses.

Use Bait or Lures

Consider using bait or lures specifically designed to attract wildlife. These items can increase the chances of attracting foxes, making it easier to spot or track them down.

Nighttime Exploration

Foxes are known to be more active during the night. Exploring Appalachia after sunset might improve your chances of encountering these creatures.


In the expansive world of Fallout 76, the search for foxes adds an exciting layer to the survival experience. By understanding their habitats and behaviors, players can enhance their chances of locating these elusive yet fascinating creatures.


1. Are foxes hostile in Fallout 76?

Foxes are non-hostile creatures and will not attack unless provoked.

2. Can foxes be tamed as pets in the game?

As of the latest updates, foxes cannot be tamed or kept as pets in Fallout 76.

3. What resources can be obtained from hunting foxes?

Foxes drop items like meat, hides, and sometimes valuable crafting materials, making them sought after by survivors.

4. Do foxes respawn in specific locations?

While foxes have known spawn areas, their appearances are random and might not always spawn consistently.

5. Can players trade or sell items obtained from foxes?

Yes, items obtained from hunting foxes, like meat or hides, can be traded or sold to other players or vendors within the game.

Unraveling the mystery of finding fox locations in Fallout 76 adds a captivating element to the game, enticing players to explore the diverse landscapes while embracing the challenges of survival. Happy hunting!

Fallout 76 Fox Locations (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

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